Home / Healthy Living / Women Over 40 Should Not Consume This! Otherwise, Overweight and Bowel Problems Cannot Be Avoided

Women Over 40 Should Not Consume This! Otherwise, Overweight and Bowel Problems Cannot Be Avoided

Give up alcohol if you want to be thin and your intestines work like clockwork.

On holidays you can afford 1 glass of dry red wine.

Oily sea fish is one of the best foods for women over 40. Polyunsaturated fats in it will protect blood vessels, improve memory, and matte hair and skin will become radiant.

What is fractional nutrition?

This is feeding in small portions every 2-3 hours.

You will not have time to starve and speed up your metabolism.

At first, you will feel uncomfortable if you have a habit of not eating all day and rushing to dinner in the evening. But you will get used to it very soon.
Follow these simple rules at any age and you will feel young and healthy. Forget about the feeling of heaviness in the stomach and being overweight. Try it, it’s easy!

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