Home / Healthy Living / How Many Teeth You Have Lost So Far Indicates How Long You Will Live

How Many Teeth You Have Lost So Far Indicates How Long You Will Live

The number of teeth we have lost can be a good predictor of life expectancy.

According to a study, people who had all their teeth by the age of 74 had a better chance of living for 100 years.

Those who have lost five or more teeth by age 65 are most likely to suffer from serious health problems, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and osteoporosis, which can significantly affect life expectancy.

All these diseases are related to the quality of life of the individual, socio-economic status, but stress.

Experts say you need to brush your teeth twice a day, morning and night, with fluoride toothpaste, cut down on sugar and sugary drinks, and visit the dentist regularly.

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